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Madrassah Service 

Seeking education has been the cornerstone of all Islamic teachings. The first revealed Qur’ānic verse alluded to it: “Recite in the name of your Lord who created.” (Qur’an 96:1). The Holy Messenger ﷺ extolled the virtue of those who strive to seek knowledge: “Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allāh will make easy for him a path to Paradise.

At ISOD, Madrassah emphasises on students’ showing respect to the mosque and its surroundings, treating every human with respect and kindness, reciting and memorising Quran with Tajweed, acquiring skills and knowledge to understand the Quran, familiarize with basic fiqh, always strive to be an independent and reflective learner and uphold Muslim identity in Australian society.

At ISOD, teachers and students belonging to different cultures and traditions come together in a developed an intercultural communication pattern. Their education in our Madrassah allows them to take part in joint activities, improve their knowledge, and get an access to some skill based service. In this way, ISOD initiates a social mobilization which encourages social groups that are knit together with the fabric of culture to take part in the religious, and cultural movements in our community.

Madrasah started 2 February 2019, its purpose is to provide our young generations in Darwin to provide proper
Islamic Education which will not only protect with from unwanted influences and raise them as a valuable asset not only as Muslim of the society
but also for our community Australia and beyond.

Want your Children to learn 
Qur’an , Du’as, Salah , Islamic Studies 
And have fun in a Muslim environment?


Pre-school to year 12
Every Saturday From 9.45am to 1pm

Enrolments always open
Email info@isod.com.au for more details


Scan Code for 
Enrolment Form